Friday, December 16, 2011

Tribute to Malcolm Davis

The Pottery Show at the Art School at Old Church in Demarest, NJ during the first weekend in December was not the same this year.  At first I thought it had something to do with the economy and people’s depression about the “It’s only a Recession” Depression.  But it was something else; the zeitgeist was not there. It felt intangible at first, but by Sunday I realized what was missing: Malcolm Davis. I remember thinking that next year when Malcolm comes back the energy will flow again.
For the past 10 years I have looked forward to Malcolm’s effusive, long lost friend greeting when he arrived at the school on the Friday of the show weekend for the inventory process. Even during transitional periods and stressful times in my life, he always made me smile. But what I loved most about Malcolm was the seriousness of his convictions underneath his Suessical antics.
Maybe I have a soft spot in my heart for him because Malcolm was my first. Yes, I know many people have said that about him and I do realize that someone like Malcolm must be shared with the world.  For those of you who don’t understand what I’m referring to; Malcolm and I (and about 20 other people) spent 5 days together on Long Beach Island, NJ back in 2002. No, it wasn’t a “Jersey Shore” kind of thing – in fact we never even saw the beach! 
Malcolm was the instructor of the first pottery workshop I ever took. By listening, watching and learning from him I realized that I could take myself seriously as a potter (and as a person) without being too serious.  It was possible to change your life’s direction mid-stream and live to tell about it! I have often said that Malcolm taught me about the importance of Qi in an otherwise lifeless piece of clay.  In Chinese religions, Qi is the life force and energy that flows through everything.  Well if anyone knew about Qi, it was Malcolm.

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